Wednesday, April 16, 2014

She's back

Hi everyone,

I guess you're all thinking I fell off the face of the planet, and I guess that's somewhat true since I've been drowning in graduate school work, student teaching, substitute teaching, tutoring, and all the other fun stuff life hands me. But, I've decided it's time to get back on the blog horse since we'll be back into a new school year soon.
My first post back is a little project I finished up this week for a job I'm interviewing for, and I thought it turned out well, so why not share it?! This is a lesson I did with the 5th grade class I've worked with throughout the year as a substitute teacher, and one of my favorite groups of kids. They just started a unit on environment sciences, so I asked their teacher if I could crash the class and talk about decomposition and waste. They seemed to really enjoy the activities and video, and the exit tickets I got that day had some GREAT follow up questions, so I'd say it was a success. Hope you enjoy.