Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Taboo- Geography Edition

Looking for a fun way to review science or social studies concepts? Students seem bored or uninterested in lessons at the end of a unit? Fret not my fellow teacher friends, a solution is here. The answer- PLAY A GAME! I can’t stress enough how much more my students seem to retain when they are forced to know it in a friendly competition among classmates. Sweeten the deal with reward points, a free homework pass for the winning team, or their name on the superstar wall… it’s a winner for sure.

This week’s review came from a game we used to play when I was growing up and is still fun as heck to play- Taboo. If you’re not familiar with this game, here’s how it’s played:

During their turn, each player is forced to describe a word or phrase to their team without using certain words. For example, you have to get your team to guess the word “circle”, but you can’t say shape, round, sphere, or square. This is such a great exercise for second language learners because it forces them to really think about what words to use. Plus, it’s an incredibly funny sight to watch as your students struggle to find the words they needJ

If you have time at the end of a lesson, you should give this one a try- it’s a riot!

Here’s a copy of the cards I made for our geography review, but any word or phrase will work.  

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