Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Squares and Square Roots- Math Journal

This week we’re starting our math unit on squares and square roots and believe it or not, not everyone is excited about it… This can be an extremely difficult concept for some students to grasp because there’s a tendency to want to just multiply the exponent. I remember some of my students struggling with these last year so I thought I’d nip it in the bud with a fun math journal activity.

After a brief overview of what squares and square roots are and how to find them, I passed out this worksheet I made for them to create squares and see visually how they can be expressed. The idea is that all squares have equal sides, right? That means if you are using a grid, you can make different-sized squares pretty easily without needing a ruler, and learn your squares accidently in the process. This really seemed to help my kiddos grasp the concepts we talked about in class.


I have attached a copy of the worksheet here if you want to use it in your class as a task board or supplemental activity. Hope they enjoy it!   

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