Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Book Report Timelines

Every month I require my students to read a free choice book in addition to our normal course book. Thankfully, my kids all enjoy reading for fun so it’s not the fight that it was last year. Anyway, every month I have them do some sort of book project to present to the class about what they read. Since standard book reports are so boring, I usually like to try something more fun. I’ve tried everything from making an animated video to story sandwiches to movie posters. I just love how creative my students are when I give them a project like this. So, in true Ms. Reyna fashion, I was perusing Pinterest in search of a new book report idea and found this little number on creating a timeline of the major events in the story. The idea was so simple, but I hadn’t ever thought of it. It’s so nice to still be learning new things every day!

I adapted the idea so that it worked better for my students, but that was easy. Then I created the guidelines and rubric for my students to access on edmodo. Finally, I made an example of what I was looking for so that they had a better idea of where to start. Here are a few pictures of their work and the guidelines and rubric if you want to try it. Have a great day!    


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