Monday, August 6, 2012

Room 21

Well it wasn’t the way I wanted to spend the first week of my vacation, but I did manage to tackle a big chunk of my classroom decorations last week. Here are some pictures of the stencils I did on the walls in my room.

I’ve been looking for an excuse to try this technique for a LONG time. All you need is Microsoft PowerPoint, a digital projector, and some paints. I’m so inspired that I might take the projector home one of these weekends and do something with our spare room. Here’s my step-by-step on stenciling. Happy painting!

Easy Peasy Wall Stencils:

·         Choose the images that you want to stencil- I used Google Images but I’m sure there are other options. Remember to choose a picture with sharp lines and large pixels. The larger the pixels, the easier your life will be… trust me on this oneJ

·         Import your picture into MS PowerPoint- once it’s in PowerPoint, the image will appear without a heading and all that other stuff, which is helpful.

·         Plug in your projector- this can actually be the hardest part of the whole project. In my case, I had to move the projector back really far from the wall to get the size I wanted so just play around with it until you get what you want. 

·         Trace with a pencil- Pretty self-explanatory.

·         Go over your outline- This step is probably easier for those of you who live near a Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Michael’s, etc. Unfortunately, life is a bit more difficult here in Vietnam and finding what you need can be a chore to say the least. I used water based poster paints because they’ll be easier to cover at the end of the year, but I’m sure acrylics or interior paints would be your best bet.

·         Ta Da- stand back and take in your masterpiece.

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