Saturday, August 18, 2012


Maybe it was a bit too ambitious of me to think that I could launch this blog before going on my yearly vacation. I told myself that I would post at least once a week, but last week it just wasn’t happening.

Before I left for vacation, I made a to-do list that would trump Santa’s and I swore that I would get it done before going home. Well, here we are about 10 days from the end of my trip and I haven’t managed to do ANY of it. In my defense, I haven’t had wi-fi since arriving at my dad’s so that put a serious wrench in my plans. I realize my dependency on technology is pathetic but seriously, what the heck did people do before the internet? How did anything get done?

Here’s a look at my week of work distractions:

Now you see why I haven’t gotten any work done.

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