Monday, September 3, 2012

Integrating Technology

Like it or not, we are living in a digital world. For someone who is not technologically inclined, the transition to a digital world can be intimidating or just downright scary. That’s exactly where I’m at with the current administrative push to have everything online. Trust me, I see the benefits of integrating technology and I’m excited to simplify my life, but I am definitely a creature of habit. I like writing things in a planner, making lists, and the creativity that comes from doing things by hand. But there’s no denying that this is the direction in which education is heading and I don’t want to miss the boat so…

I got back from vacation late Tuesday night and work started bright and early on Wednesday morning. Somehow I survived and am (mostly) ready for my kids to start in 2 day. We’ve been doing some training and professional development because they’re “streamlining everything”. Lucky for us we’ve got an amazing new grade 5 teacher with an IT background. He’s exactly what the school needs in terms of training and integrating technology. Anyway so we’re now all using Google Drive, an online calendar with embedded lesson plans, an online grade book that the parents can log into (what?!) and so much more. Here’s a presentation he put together to help set up our Engrade accounts and start using all the awesome features it offers. Check out how it works here.

Aside from the Google Apps stuff, we’re also using Edmodo. If you’ve never heard of it, you HAVE TO check it out. It’s touted as the “Facebook for Teachers” in that it allows you to post a library of online tools, websites, resources, etc. that are organized and available to your students 24 hours a day. Plus, you can create small groups of student within your class to do anonymous differentiated learning. This is AMAZING stuff, folks. If you haven’t checked it out yet, do yourself a favor and sign up here.


Alright kids, one more training/planning day then the kids come. All 4 of them. Sigh. Have a good night and thanks for reading.

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