Thursday, October 11, 2012

Origami Fun

I’ve been meaning to post these pictures for a couple of weeks now, but I got busy and well, you know how it goes. Anyway, in our last unit on Sadako, we did an art lesson on origami. We learned about the history of origami and how it was adopted by the Japanese from the Chinese and how, when it originated, it was only for the elite class because the cost of paper was so expensive. As paper became cheaper, origami grew in popularity and nowadays is an art form practiced by people all around the world. I have to admit that I was never really interested in folding paper until I watched a great film called “Between the Folds” that explored the relationship between nature, mathematics and art through the medium of origami. After I showed my class a clip from the movie, they got really excited to start folding. Luckily, my partner taught me to make an origami crane so that I could at least teach them one step-by-step origami piece (and it was perfect for Sadako). I checked out all of the origami books that we have in the library and we went to town. It was a really fun afternoon in class. Check out the video clip and pictures below. Happy Friday!  
Official Trailer for Between the Folds
Our cranes

Folding fun

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