Thursday, January 17, 2013

Interactive World Map

Holy Moly, where do the weeks go? Sorry I’ve been missing for a while. We’ve jumped in head-first into our geography theme unit and I haven’t had time to catch my breath. Speaking of geography, here’s a little somethin’ that I’m doing with the kiddos this month as a homework/taskboard tie in with the theme.

I drew up this large world map on a sheet of butcher paper, making sure to not include anything except the outline of the continents. Then, I created these little daily geography activities and put them in an envelope ranging from drawing and labeling countries to locating mountain ranges to writing a journal entry from an early explorer’s perspective…the possibilities are virtually endless for this theme. Anyway, every day the kids choose one activity from the envelope to complete either for homework or during task board time. Then, we discuss our findings as a class and a couple of them transfer it from their homework onto the big map and color it in. At the end of the week, we have a short online quiz through edmodo over the content that they learned. It’s been pretty successful so far and they seem to be retaining most of what they’re learning, so I’m happy.

In addition, we've been working on a couple of interesting geography projects and gearing up for our math day competition at the end of the month. Needless to say things have been busy. Here are a few pictures of our interactive map board and the activity sheet I created if you’d like to try it in your class. Happy almost Friday, everyone!

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