Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Seuss-tastic Door Decor

Hard to believe it’s already Dr. Seuss week again, but hey, time flies when you’re having fun, right? Here’s the fun we’ve been up to in our corner of the world.

Door decorations galore-

Every time that a new theme or event comes up, there’s this unspoken gauntlet that gets thrown down amongst the teachers for classroom, hallway, and door decorations. I like to think that I’m not really a competitive person, but my coworkers and partner would totally disagree. Once they made the announcement about door decorations at our staff meeting last week, I summoned all the creativity I had (aka- I turned to pinterest) and set out to create my masterpiece. Although there aren’t awards or prizes for best door, I’ve already won in my headJ Here’s the final product:
The Lorax- of course.

Ms. Amanda's Sneetches door


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