Sunday, December 9, 2012

Deck the hallways

Even though it’s not beginning to look a lot like Christmas here in Vietnam, we are doing our best to get into the holiday spirit around school. In my class, we’ve been practicing our performances for the Christmas concert, delivering donated gifts to a local hospital, and even writing letters to Santa. Aside from trying to wrap up the academic side of things for the semester, there are also a lot of things to physically prepare around school like hanging hallway decorations, making props for the concert, and, of course, transforming your door into something Christmas-y themed. I have to admit that I’m not excited about all of the extra work that has to be done this time of the year, but it is really neat for the kiddos.  

This year, I don’t have an assistant so when they announced that we had to start putting up decorations, I panicked. Over the next two days, everyone’s doors were decked out in snowmen, reindeer, and every other imaginable holiday icon. I was officially the last one to tackle the door project, leaving me with limited options. That meant 2 things; 1- that I’d better hurry up and get something on the door, and 2- that mine had to be better than the others. Challenge accepted! I grabbed my kids on Friday afternoon and we came up with a few ideas about what we could do to win the unspoken door decoration competition that I’d created in my head. Luckily, I had an hour and a half block for art on Friday and was able to get my students to do the brunt of the work during that time. They were just like elves, working away all day to help make our class door the best in school. Here’s a picture of the (nearly) completed masterpiece…

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