Friday, December 14, 2012

Service Learning Slideshow

The semester is just about over, but there’s still a TON of work to be done. I have no idea how this seems to happen every year, but it does. No matter how prepared I try to be or how much I plan, Christmas seems to hit me like a Mack Truck. It doesn’t help that I’ve picked up one of the kids’ bugs and have been sick all week. BUT… we’re almost there, that’s the good news.

To finish the semester strong, we decided to create a slideshow to showcase all of the work that we’ve done this semester for service learning. It was a great way to look back on all of our hard work, and feel good about how much we’ve helped the community. AND, we got to learn how to use some new technology in the computer lab. We used imovie to create this one, but you could also use MS Movie Maker to make something similar.

The teachers haven’t decided if we’d like to continue with the service learning program in the spring, but I have a feeling the kids won’t give us a choice. They really enjoyed it and learned a lot ( I think) from it. Here’s our finished slideshow:
Happy Christmas, everyone!

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