Saturday, December 22, 2012

Online Book Reviews

Well, we made it through our final assessments, survived our last service learning fundraiser, and wowed parents at our Christmas concert… now it’s time for a break. Trust me, there were several times over the last couple of weeks where I didn’t think we’d get here, but I’m so happy to be on the other side of it.

Back when I was mentally preparing for how to keep my students busy over the break, I put together a reading competition through Google Drive and linked it to our class edmodo page to keep track of their progress and keep them motivated to read. I got a couple of prizes for the winner(s) and got the students pumped up before school let out. Winners will be announced when we return from break… Stay tuned.

If you’ve never used Google Drive, you should try it out. Google Drive is such a great tool for digitizing your classroom, AND it free! From creating surveys, sharing presentations and documents, to keeping your students accountable for their assignments, this allows you to do it all- and with ease. Here’s the online book review form that I made for my class.  

Here’s what I did:

1.      Log in to your Google account and select the Drive tab at the top of the menu bar.  


2.      Go to Create and you will see a drop-down menu with a few selections.


3.      Click on Form and this will take you to a form where you can add questions to fit your form.


4.      Upload the link to your form as an assignment on your edmodo page and it will automatically tally the forms for you as the students fill them in.



And there you have it, folks. Have a great vacation!

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