Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Procedural Writing

Concert performances, assessments, exams, oh my! We’ve been so busy wrapping up the last couple of weeks before break that I haven’t had a chance to post any updates. My apologiesL

Anyway, this week we’ve been doing procedural writing in Language Arts. I love teaching procedural writing (especially right after information reports) because there’s so much fun stuff you can do with it. Last week one of my students had a birthday so I thought this would be the perfect introduction to procedural writing- how to make a birthday cake!

We started with a quick brainstorming session as a group to review what we knew about procedural writing including purpose, examples, and organization. Here’s the list we came up with:

Then we watched a short cooking video about making a cake and took notes on what steps to take. We compared notes as a class and then edited and simplified our directions. Finally, we baked a cake of our own to celebrate a classmate’s birthday! It was a lot of fun, and the students were completely engaged- always a plus. Here are a couple of pictures from our cake baking session. Stay tuned for a couple more extension lessons with procedural writing.  


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