Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Travel Video Project

This week, we are wrapping up our geography theme and tying up all the loose ends for the semester before our break. Although I am BEYOND excited for a little reprieve, it still feels like there are a thousand things left to do. I suppose that’s all part of teaching though… constantly in a state of playing catch-up. Anyway, before we go, I wanted to share our big theme project with you all and brag a little bit about what rockstars my kiddos are. It seems like whatever assignments I give them, they just take off and run with it. It’s truly amazing what they are capable of.
I created this slideshow on www.sliderocket.com to walk them through the project guidelines and inserted a short travel video to give them an example of what I was looking for. Basically, I wanted them to make a short, informative yet entertaining travel video showcasing what they thought were the best things to see and do in their chosen country. We used iMovie to create the videos, but this project could easily be done on Movie Maker and adapted for a larger class by dividing them into groups. They seemed to really enjoy putting their videos together and, hey, they even learned some human and physical geography in the process! Once we get them published and downloaded, I will post a couple of them here. Hope you’re having a great week.

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