Thursday, November 29, 2012

Biome Research Project

One of my science standards this unit was to address biomes and habitats. Because I'm trying to move my classroom into the 21st century, I wanted to get away from teaching straight out of the book and go digital. I absolutely love having this kind of creative freedom as a teacher.
Anyway, I made these nifty NatGeo research journals (attached below) for my students to study different biomes around the world during our ecology unit. I wanted to cater to the different types of learners in class and this was the perfect tool. I sent them on a little digital adventure as modern-day researchers to collect data and present their findings to their team at headquarters. I wanted them to look for key characteristics such as plant and animal life, climate, and human impacts while documenting their findings. It’s great because these research journals are going to make the perfect study guides for the test coming up in 2 weeks.
After completing their research journals, they each chose their favorite terrestrial or aquatic biome and created a digital presentation that they delivered to the class the following week. My students hit this one out of the park. Here are a few examples of their work:

Research Journal Pages:
-Aquatic Biome
-Terrestrial Biome    

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