Friday, November 9, 2012

Leaf Art

Sorry for the delay, folks. We have been incredibly busy this week trying to get the kids back into school mode after their week off. Not an easy task, I assure you. Anyway, we’ve kicked off our life science unit with some really exciting stuff. Here’s some art we did earlier today.

We’ve been talking all week about ecosystems, biomes, food webs, and habitats around the world and right here in Vietnam. Because it’s the end of the rainy season, the plants are insanely green and lush so I thought it would be a great day to do our art class in the elementsJ We headed downstairs to find a place to plop down and start our sketches. Here’s a few of those:


Later, we collected some samples (to use for our lesson on classification in the afternoon), headed back upstairs and broke out the watercolors. I don’t know why, but every time that I try to do a watercolor lesson, my students insist on using too much paint and not nearly enough water. I must remember to stress this more in the future. Anyway, they had fun and the art turned out ok too. I’d say that’s a win for everyone. Here are a few more shots from the second part of our lesson:


Happy Friday y’all!

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